Jixian County

  • 网络蓟县;集贤县;吉县
Jixian CountyJixian County
  1. The Research of Jixian County Leisure Agriculture Present Situation and Development Strategy


  2. Analysis of the Development of Fruit Tree Industry in Jixian County Mountain Area


  3. Soil and water conservation and agricultural sustainable development in Jixian County


  4. Supply and Demand Balance Analysis and Forecast of Water Resources in Jixian County


  5. Study on the Industrialization of Green Food in Jixian County Tianjin


  6. Classification and control of gully in Loess Region of Jixian County , Shanxi Province .


  7. Countermeasures of Improving the Rural Financial Standard Management & Take Chengguan Town of Jixian County for Example


  8. Investigation on Disinfection Status of Tea Service in Public Places in County Seat of Jixian County


  9. Further Exploitation of Village Tourism of Changzhou Village in Jixian County , Tianjin City


  10. The third part mainly introduces the condition of constructive using land in Jixian county , the tendency of change and the analysis of causes .


  11. The Obstacles and Countermeasures of the Farmers Entrepreneurship in Tianjin & Based on the Questionnaire of the Jixian County


  12. Part 2 of the objective of the Jixian county 500 households town village elections , the problems and to the problem .


  13. SWOT was used in the overall evaluation of the conditions of Sports Tourism Resources of Hukou Waterfall in Jixian County .


  14. The study comprises three parts : Part I recalled the Tianjin Jixian county 500 households town village election of the basic course and achievements .


  15. Restudy of paleomagnetism of rocks from Chuanlinggou formation of Proterozoic Changcheng System in Jixian county , north China


  16. Microfossils from the Wumishan formation of Jixian County


  17. A New Type of Primary Unicellular Microfossils from the Chert of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Jixian County , Tianjin


  18. Jixian county is primary fruit produce region of Tianjin , fruit production was the mainstay industry which contribute to increasing the income and living station of the farmer in this area .


  19. Regard the development water-melon industry as the example , this paper has introduced the successful experience in promoting the development of industrialization of water-melon by Jixian County Extension Center of Agricultural Techniques Agricultural .


  20. And furthermore introduce and analyzed the whole feature , effect and existing problem of Jixian county green food industry , put forward their development predominance , the succeed experience using for reference of domestic and foreign countries .


  21. Secondly , this paper analyzed the development model of Jixian County green food industry . The development model demands exact market orientation , high quality product , powerful running carrier , flexible market sale style and famous product brands .


  22. Paleo-microphytes of the study area include 20 genera and 33 kinds , the characteristic fossils and the fossil assemblages could be correlated to that of Middle Proterozoic in Jixian County nearby .


  23. Located outside Beijing , at the southern foot of Panshan Mountain in Jixian County , Jingji Mountain Resort was the greatest auxiliary palace garden in Qing Dynasty except Chengde Imperial Summer Resort .


  24. Based on regional eco-economy theory and the practices of comprehensive agro-development in the west region of Shanxi Province , overall planning of land use in Jixian County was conducted , ways for rational land utilization and stragetic tactics were discussed .


  25. An evaluation index system of sustainable land-use of Jixian county , which included land-use productivity , stability , protectiveness , economic feasibility and social acceptability , was built by The Specialists Inquired Method ( SIM ) according to existing achievements .


  26. Glauconitic Condensed Sections ( CS ): The Key to Correlation Of Sequence Stratigraphy in the Craton Basin ── Characteristics and Implication of the Cambrian Condensed Section of North China Geological Characteristics and Significance of Glauconites in Stromatolite Rock-Reef of Mesoproterozoic Tieling Formation in Jixian County


  27. Results of IDD surveillance in Jixian village of Huachuan County , Heilongjiang Province in 2003


  28. On the discovery of Quaternary glacial boulder clay from the northern mountainous district of Jixian ( chihsien ) County
